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EWMA Innovation Alliance

Boosting the development and uptake of new and better wound care solutions



With EWMA Innovation Alliance (EIA), we wish to create a membership-based  European Wound Management Innovation Eco-system.

The vision is to strengthen wound care and the quality of life of individuals with a wound and their families by facilitating the development and uptake of new and better solutions and by strengthening Europe as a competitive place for wound care innovation.



Wound care: the challenge

  • Increase in the prevalence of wounds due to longer life expectancy and lifestyle illnesses 
  • Difficult-to-treat infections such as biofilms
  • High costs associated with surgical wounds
  • In general: Rising costs of wound-related health care
  • Reduced life quality for the patients and their families

Furthermore, we see:

  • Barriers between innovation stakeholders hampering the availability of new and better solutions
  • Lack of available clinical trial (CT) sites in Europe with access to patients and CT-trained personal
  • Lack of knowledge-sharing between research and industry on e.g., clinical needs, innovative ideas, and solutions

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